Hardwood Flooring Refinishing Bethesda, NC
Bethesda Hardwood Flooring Restoration
All types of flooring are going to get scratches sooner or later. It all depends on the type of hardwood you have and the finish also. Scratches wear through the stain and are even more noticeable on darker stains. Scratches are normal and are going to happen.
Most can be taken care of with just a simple sanding and refinishing. You need to consider other options when they gouge the wood or cause it to crack. This is when it might be time to consult a professional.
More than a Scratch
Look for discoloration in the boards. Does it seem to follow a pattern? This happens a lot in high traffic areas, but if it happens in other parts you can have an underlying problem.
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When boards start to turn gray, more than likely you will need to refinish. This means the damage going on and need to be further inspected. This could be that the polyurethane finish is completely worn. When this coating wears off water starts to penetrate into the wood. The gray color is actually a part of the oxidization process. This should be taken care of before the boards turn black.
Water Damage
This is where it can get more severe. First the boards will start to cup. Many times they can just be sanded down and refinished and no one will notice. When they start to separate, they might need replacement.